About Us
BAC’s mission is to promote sustainable bioenergy development and associated activities in California.

Policy Advocacy
BAC advocates for legislation, regulatory policies, funding, and other incentives to promote bioenergy. In particular, BAC advocates for utility procurement programs for pipeline biogas and distributed generation electricity from organic waste, inclusion of biofuels in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Clean Transportation Programs, renewable hydrogen from organic waste and biogas, Sustainable Aviation Fuels, and more. BAC also advocates for bioenergy production as an urgent solution to climate change, clean energy reliability, and and local air quality. BAC frequently testifies before the Legislature and state agencies to educate policymakers about the need for and benefits of sustainable bioenergy development.
Project Advocacy
BAC helps its members to secure project funding, environmental permits, utility agreements, and other project-specific assistance. BAC also provides networking opportunities and communications support to its members.

Outreach and Communications
BAC provides outreach and communications on behalf of its members and the bioenergy industry to educate policymakers, the media, and the public about the benefits of bioenergy, current policy issues and challenges, important events, and accomplishments. BAC also conducts outreach to concerned stakeholders and communities to increase public understanding and support for bioenergy.
Promote Industry Best Practices
BAC keeps its members up to date on technology and regulatory changes to maintain the highest industry standards. BAC provides updates and information through member meetings, webinars, emails, its newsletter, conferences, and other communications.