Sevana Bioenergy Acquires Largest Organic Waste to Energy Facility in U.S.
Sevana Bioenergy just announced the acquisition of the Rialto Bioenergy Facility, developed by Anaergia in San Bernardino County in Southern California. The facility can convert 1,000 tons of organic waste daily to carbon negative fuels and organic soil amendments, including compost and biochar. The facility will convert organic waste diverted from landfills and biosolids generated at wastewater treatment plants. It will generate 1 million MMBtu per year of carbon negative biomethane, reducing the CO2 emissions from over 5.2 million gallons of diesel fuel. The Rialto facility will also help to reduce PFAS chemicals by pyrolyzing biosolids and converting them to biochar, which can be returned to the soil to provide permanent carbon sequestration.
For more information about Sevana Bioenergy and the Rialto project, click here.