BAC Leadership
BAC’s Officers and Directors are leaders in the bioenergy field, representing all sectors of the industry, individual companies, public agencies, academic experts, and nonprofit organizations.
Matt Hart, Chair
Trained in civil engineering and economics, Matt has worked with clean technology and sustainable environmental practices throughout the United States, South America, Asia, and Africa. Matt’s expertise focuses on zero and near-zero-emission, on- and off-road equipment demonstration and community-scale renewable energy generation, including micro-grids, solar, wind, hydropower, and organics waste management. In his work, he focuses on a complete life-cycle approach to clean technology solutions that result in sound economic, environmental, and equitable projects that shift energy production and utilization toward a sustainable future. Matt has a B.S. and M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University.

Fred Tornatore, Vice Chair
Frederick Tornatore is Chief Technical Officer of TSS. Mr. Tornatore has over 45 years experience in environmental management and regulatory compliance, energy development, permitting and environmental impact analyses, and technology evaluation. As a consultant, he has worked for a large array of clients in a variety of energy, industrial, commercial, and institutional areas. Clients have included firms in the fields of energy development, manufacturing, aerospace, utilities, refining, exploration and production, mining and cement, recycling and scrap metal, real estate development, law, as well as federal (DOD and DOE), state, local, and tribal governmental entities.
Evan Edgar, Secretary
Evan Edgar is the Principal Engineer and President of Edgar & Associates, Inc. since 1997. Evan has over thirty years of experience in all aspects of solid waste management as a registered civil engineer who has advocated for green energy incentives, compost market development, greenhouse gas reductions policies, and practical regulations in front of legislative committees, regulatory agencies, and local commissions involving the collection, hauling, processing, and composting of urban green and yard wastes. Evan helped to found the California Compost Coalition and also served as the Director of Regulatory Affairs and Manager of Technical Services for the California Refuse Recycling Council (CRRC).

Allie Detrio, Treasurer
Allie Detrio is the Chief Strategist at Reimagine Power, which works to advance clean energy policy and accelerate the deployment of microgrids, bioenergy, and other energy reliability solutions. Allie is an experienced advocate for decarbonization, innovation, resiliency, and regeneration. Democratizing energy systems to achieve sustainability in our environment, economy, and society. #reimaginepower
Julia Levin, Executive Director
Julia Levin has served as BAC’s Executive Director since BAC’s founding in early 2013. Prior to BAC, Julia served as the Deputy Secretary for Climate Change and Energy at the California Resources Agency. In that position, she chaired the Governor’s Inter-Agency Bioenergy Working Group and led the development of California’s 2012 Bioenergy Action Plan. Julia has also served as a Commissioner on the California Energy Commission, where she was the presiding Commissioner on renewable energy and the associate Commissioner on energy efficiency. She presided over the adoption of RPS eligibility rules, power plant siting cases, and other issues. Julia has also served as Global Warming Director for the National Audubon Society and State Policy Coordinator for the Union of Concerned Scientists. Julia has a B.A. from Brown University and a law degree from the University of California, San Francisco.