BAC Comments on Biomethane Procurement

BAC filed extensive comments in response to the CPUC’s order re-opening the pipeline biomethane procurement program. BAC’s comments focus on the need to accelerate biomethane procurement, to base pricing on lifecycle carbon intensity, to incentivize pipeline interconnection, and to fully value the many environmental and ratepayer benefits that biomethane capture and production provide. Read BAC’s…

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Sevana Bioenergy Acquires Largest Organic Waste to Energy Facility in U.S.

Sevana Bioenergy just announced the acquisition of the Rialto Bioenergy Facility, developed by Anaergia in San Bernardino County in Southern California. The facility can convert 1,000 tons of organic waste daily to carbon negative fuels and organic soil amendments, including compost and biochar. The facility will convert organic waste diverted from landfills and biosolids generated…

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California’s Priority Climate Action Plan Highlights Importance of Bioenergy

California recently submitted its Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as part of the state’s application for federal funding for priority climate actions. California’s PCAP includes a portfolio of “proven climate programs,” many of which are focused on bioenergy from organic waste. Some of the specific areas in California’s PCAP…

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H Cycle Receives CalRecycle Approval for Waste to Hydrogen Project

H Cycle, an innovator in renewable hydrogen production, has received confirmation from CalRecycle that H Cycle’s project to convert organic waste to energy qualifies as landfill waste diversion. Known as an “Article 2 Determination,” CalRecycle’s decision recognizes that H Cycle will divert organic waste away from landfills and convert it to renewable hydrogen. The H…

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Mainspring to Install Linear Generator at Napa Sanitation District

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Mainspring’s linear generator, a noncombustion technology, will convert wastewater biogas to renewable power at the Napa Sanitation District. Mainspring has signed an agreement for the construction and installation of a new Mainspring linear generator that will run on biofuel produced at NapaSan’s wastewater treatment plant, providing renewable energy to power the plant while also reducing…

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WATCH: Bloom Energy Converts Dairy Biogas into Renewable Power

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Bloom Energy is partnering with CalBio to convert dairy manure to carbon negative power. This video highlights the Bloom/CalBio project at Bar20 Dairy Farms in Kerman, California, a third generation, family owned farm that was established in the 1950s. Bar20 has set a goal of using 100 percent renewable power to protect air quality in…

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California Air Resources Board Adopts Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation

In April, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted one of the most aggressive vehicle regulations in the country.  The Advanced Clean Fleet or ACF regulation is focused on converting medium and heavy-duty vehicles to zero emission – battery or fuel cell electric – for most vehicles over 8500 pounds.  Thanks to advocacy by the…

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Air Board Adopts 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan

The California Air Resources Board adopted California’s 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan in December. The Scoping Plan is California’s blueprint for achieving its climate goals. The 2022 Plan includes several new areas of focus, including a strategy to achieve carbon neutrality, how to reduce carbon emissions and increase sequestration on natural and working lands, carbon…

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CPUC Adopts Biomethane Procurement Program

CPUC Adopts Biomethane Procurement Program to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants The California Public Utilities Commission voted unanimously to adopt a biomethane procurement program to help the state meet its Short-Lived Climate Pollutant reduction requirements. The program requires California’s gas utilities to procure 73 billion cubic feet of biomethane – about 12 percent of residential and…

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